Friday, August 31, 2007

Back to School

After much anticipation and longing school has FINALLY begun for the family. Kaylin and I are both in school and started this week. One of us had a much easier start than the other and keep in mind one of us is taking Anatomy II, who had the breakdown? Nope not me, Kaylin. There was much excitement in the air, especially mine, until it came time to walk in the door and suddenly the excitement was lost. So what is a mom to do when the excitement is lost and your child needs to go to school so you can get on with celebrating back to school day mommy style. You employ the help of any teacher you can, past or present it doesn't really matter. What finally got her in the room, was it her favorite teacher from last year, Mrs. Melear, or her P.E. teacher? The winner is the P.E. teacher!! God bless her for helping kaylin get settled and for letting me get on with my own celebration. As many moms know back to school isn't just about your child and school, it is also about getting your normal life back which includes a small break with shopping and lunch dates every other day to help you be a better mom the other days when they are at home all day. Don't get me wrong, I love Kaylin very much, but we both enjoy having other authority figures in her life. Any way here are some pictures of my big girl on her first day of preschool, the last year before kindergarten.

Here we are proudly displaying the caterpillar name tag!

Here we are with all the essentials a girl needs for school, you know like a lunch, a mat, and a backpack.

Here we in front of school mostly smiling but still excited. By the way the sun was in her eyes.

Here is where the excitement changed to "absolute not going to let you leave me here" mom!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Swim Lessons

The last two weeks Kaylin had her first swimming lessons. If you know Kaylin at all you know it was not easy to convince her to get in, she is terrified of the water. Let me just tell you the story. The first day she wouldn't even get in the kiddie pool until finally after class and the other kids were gone she got comfortable and got in and didn't want to get out. Once she conquered the kiddie pool it was on the the big pool, which as you can imagine didn't go so well. Finally on the last day she did a sitting jump off the side and floated on her front and her back. She was so proud of her self and so was I, she finally earned her Tinkerbell purse!! So what now, well school starts in two weeks so lets hope she hangs on this braver attitude for nine months, but the reality of that happening is very slim so we will start over next summer but with the hope and expectation that she will conquer her fears and and be brave again.
I thought swimming lessons were about learning to swim, but for Kaylin it was not about that; after all learning to swim is just technique. For Kaylin, swimming lessons were about trusting some one else, about facing her fears, and about being brave enough to conquer those fears.
I have picturs on my camera but right now I have to go dry my hair so tomorrow I will get pics up.

Kaylin is great at floating with Alban, especially in the kiddie pool

Here is the big moment, JUMPING in off the side in the big pool.

Here she is with her certificate, proof she conquered her fears, YEAH Kaylin!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Promised Pictures

Here they are, pictures from Branson.

Three Princesses, they are so adorable! This was their favorite thing to do. Every night they all dressed up as princesses and danced around.

Panty pool party. We were filling the pool so the water could warm up to swim in later but the girls couldn't wait, so they stripped down and swam.

The lake was an adventure, no one wanted to smile, no one wanted to look at the camera.

"Say Cheese mommy" Alyssa took my picture taking her picture, but aren't the babies cute in their matching pj's?

On our night out the baby sitters, God bless them, gave the girls a bath and took so me pictures. Here I imagine Alyssa saying NOOOOOOO, her favorite word, after all she is two!


I AM BACK!! After TEN long days of no computer it is finally fixed and I am back on line, I missed the Internet so much. Today while the girls are down I will post some long promised pictures. In the mean time know that i am back and here to stay!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Branson, Not just for the "Silver Hair"

This past weekend me and the girls went to Branson with my mom. While I originally thought Branson was for the "silver hairs" I was schooled on the truth. Branson is a fun beautiful place with horrible traffic. There are so many fun things to do and shows to see. The shopping is great and so is the food, by the way I ate Sushi and I loved it!!
Any way we had so much fun. I gotta say the best part was Friday going shopping without the kids, it was GREAT!!! While we were shopping Cindy and I decided it was time to do a little personal shopping for my mom. We had a dressing room full of clothes for her. It was hard for her to let us pick things out for her but it was really fun and she did buy some things we picked which means we must have good taste.
I know I keep promising pics but our computer has a virus and is being fixed so as soon as I get it back pics will be going up ASAP.