So here we go. . .
Kaylin had a birthday! Turned six!She had a great day. She invited her friends to Creative Hands, a pottery place, and had a blast. After that we had family fun day at Alley cats, can you say expensive! But it was fun any way! A few weeks later we had a family party with a Hannah Montana pinata, it was great. I can't believe she is six, and almost through with Kindergarten, and losing teeth left and right, how did this happen and how can I stop it???? Any way i love watching her grow and learn and become more of who God made her to be, sweet, sensitve, caring, and genuine.
Alyssa got a great haircut, and it is soooooooo cute!
Her commit was, "I love my new hair cut." When I washed it she said "my hair cut is gone!" and when I dried it she said "my hair cut is back." The other day she said "I want my hair cut back," it is so cute hearing her response and seeing how she processes the change. i just love how cute she is, just absolutely cute!!!!!
Me and the girls went to Branson to see my sister and nieces,We had so much fun playing at Cindy's, going to the park for McDonald's Happy meals, going to Dixie Stampede, and the best part was going out with just the grown ups! Grown up time is such a necessity after a 8 hour drive and before another 8 hour drive can and should be attempted. Speaking of the 8 hour drive the drive home was definitely an adventure!!!
Kaylin lost her third tooth!!! At home and not at school!!!Every tooth she has lost has happened at school and Mrs. Meshack got the first view, but this one was mine. She showed it to me Friday and I was so hoping it would fall out during the break and it did!!! She has been wiggling it all week and today she pulled it, and by the way top teeth bleed, a lot, but now I got to go be tooth fairy before I forget!!! Some days I love being a mom!!!
Hope you guys are still there and if you are I post much, much, more frequently on facebook, so keep up with me there.
Cara Memasak untuk Liburan Akhir Pekan
5 years ago