Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's been a while

I have been told it has been a while and that i need to update my blog. I don't really have any pictures yet but a lot has been going on.
Every one is very settled into the school routine, who knew I just need some structure to my days to get over 5 years of depression. I am busier and happier than I have been in years. I feel more like my self than ever and am so happily busy. School is intense and all consuming, but I am learning so much. Kaylin is beginning to read, which makes me so proud and amazed. Alyssa is really growing up and acting so big since starting school. She doesn't always let on to how much she knows, but I know she is learning a lot. Stefan is a great Mr. Mom! He gets the girls picked up from school, dinner made, home work done, and on Mondays, he gets them to ballet. I am so grateful and blessed to have such a supportive and flexible husband.
My sister has been here for the last two weeks. It has been fun spending time with her. Last Friday My dad, Grampa, and Stefan had a pumpkin carve off. More pics and stories to come on that!
I realize this may be a more boring post with out pictures but pictures will come I was just to lazy to do it tonight, so stay tuned for pictures!