Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's been a while

As I have been told, more than once, I need to "write something new already!" It has been a while and I really have no good excuse, plenty has happened that I could write about. Alyssa is going po*tty a lot and my sister was here last week. The visit was a lot of fun and busy mixed in with typical Breese stuff (Breese being my family name before Stefan came and changed it). We went shopping, colored Easter eggs and had a hunt with my sisters girls. We also went and visited my grandmother, and I am excited to say that finally my girls weren't scared of her at all. kaylin got to have a slumber party with Makayla, well sort of, Makayla slept in her bed and she slept in our room. Anyway, here are the pictures from the past week. Oh ya, I got Kaylin's new swim suit and it is so cute, actually Kaylin and Makayla got the same suits, how cute. Did i mention we also had a great Easter with Daisy and the kids, it was good, busy spring break Easter weekend!!!


Rory and Cindy said...

So cute...thanks for the new pics! We had so much fun and I miss you like crazy already:( Mikayla is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!