Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Ballerina's

I now have two amazing ballerina's. Alyssa had her first recital this week and was great. I love my baby and she is so cute and has great confidence and stage presence but poor thing can only spin! Kaylin's lines are becoming so graceful and long, she is a beautiful ballerina.
I love that God has given both of my girls amazing talents and being able to watch them discover them is an amazing blessing. God has gifted Kaylin as a dancer and it brings me so much joy to see her dance, she is graceful but she also has great spunk! God has given Alyssa amazing confidence and strength. She fears nothing and is great at figuring things out, she is very mechanical.

She is just too beautiful!

Can you say deer caught in headlights! This was one of the best ones. She was not in the mood and if you know Alyssa she isn't doing anything she doesn't want to do.

Here she is "spin baby spin!" Spinning is her specialty. She was so excited, she had a huge grin the entire time and just hammed it up, she has amazing stage presence.



Anonymous said...

so so proud of my little dancers! I love them both!


Anonymous said...

My babies are soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!! The recital was wonderful, I really enjoyed it. Mom