This week has been the big holiday kick off! I love the holiday season. With thanksgiving, and Christmas, and my big beautiful tree, and my birthday smoshed in there I LOVE IT!!! We had a great Thanksgiving with my family. It was very quite and I missed my brother and sister, but I know they missed home even more. And say what you may but I live for the Black Friday shopping mania. I love the looking through the ads and making my lists and forming my game plan. For a planner this is like Christmas or the Super Bowl; yes I went there. Now I'm not crazy, I don't get up at 4:00am and stand in line and fight for crazy things. But I love the opportunity to get 85% of my shopping done at one time and save over 50% on EVERYTHING, especially since time is a rare commodity I don't have a lot of. Don't believe me, you say we are all busy; I have three test and a check off between now and Dec. 9, my sister gets her the 7th for Christmas with her family and me and Stefan are going skiing the 17th, not a lot of time to get shopping done.
Now that Thanksgiving is done, most of the shopping is done it is time for the tree and it is going up this weekend and yes it takes all weekend. If you have seen my tree you know it is a process and doesn't just pop up. It has to be put together, the branches have to be fluffed, the 10 light strands put on, and finally I get to decorate it and it is gorgeous. After we finish I will show you what I am talking about with all the steps, except the putting together step, Stefan and the girls did that last night and I fluffed this morning, but I'll show you the lights and the grand finale.
Now that Thanksgiving is done, most of the shopping is done it is time for the tree and it is going up this weekend and yes it takes all weekend. If you have seen my tree you know it is a process and doesn't just pop up. It has to be put together, the branches have to be fluffed, the 10 light strands put on, and finally I get to decorate it and it is gorgeous. After we finish I will show you what I am talking about with all the steps, except the putting together step, Stefan and the girls did that last night and I fluffed this morning, but I'll show you the lights and the grand finale.
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