I wrote off video games years ago when I humiliated my self trying to play Mario Brothers with my neighbor and realized I have zero hand eye coordination and should leave video games to those who do, so I became a side liner, until last night. Last night I went to my friend kareah's house to play her new Wii , it is AWESOME!!! It is so unlike other video games where people like me feel like a idiot for not being able to coordinate their hands. It is totally interactive and physical, I got out of breath and sore arms from boxing, and I totally kicked butt at it. I officially want a video game system, for me. Yes I said for me and not for Stefan, I am a trader, I know but this thing is totally cool and I will have it one way or another.
Cara Memasak untuk Liburan Akhir Pekan
5 years ago
Sweet...get ya one!!!
I know, right? Until you get yours though, you know you can always come over for a good night of wii-ing at my house!
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