Friday, September 12, 2008

I can't believe I am a soccer Mom!

Kaylin had her first soccer practice tonight!! She had so much fun and was really pretty good. Two girls on her team go to her school, one is in her class and the other in another class. She wasn't shy or anything she just ran right up and listened and did what she was supposed to do, I could not have been more proud. So, despite my initial pessimism that this may not be her thing, Kaylin just may prove me wrong and really like this and be good. I am glad I didn't listen to that pessimism and gave her the chance to yet again surprise me!! Any way her coach is Mrs Lourie, who is really nice and they are the Lady Buugs, how cute is that!

Can you say "GOAL!"



Rory and Cindy said...

OH MY GOODNESS... I'm so excited...I hope it's her thing!!! Seriously, go to Play it Again Sports, they have Adidas soccer shorts really small (Small enough for Makayla) for $12...they are so cute!!!

Anonymous said...

She is really growing up!!! Now you get a chance to do the sports thing!!!! Let me know when she has a game. Mom

Jo Brock said...

I can't wait until the girls can do fun stuff like this!

Son of the living King said...

that is so awesome!!! she clearly does not have our athletic ability...which is amazing!! video her first game and send it to me so that i may enjoy it as well!!! love and miss yall so much!!