Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Tooth Fairy does Exist!

The Tooth Fairy paid her first visit to our house tonight, if you haven't heard, Kaylin lost her first tooth today at school. Stefan went to have lunch with her and text me a picture of this mouth with out a tooth (some of you lucky ones got that text). She couldn't wait to show me tonight. When I asked her for the details she said "I was nervous and Sarah, Her new best friend, told the teacher." She is so cute, got nervous, I guess people were looking and all in her space. Any way the conversation quickly turned to the Tooth Fairy and she asked, "is the Tooth Fairy going to come? I know it is you mommy!" Off course she came bearing cash rewards to be spent this weekend at our favorite Dollar Tree.

My little girl is officially a little girl; kindergarten, loosing a tooth, what is next, learning to drive?

We are very excited but mommy is struggling with how fast it seems like she is growing up all the sudden, like in just the last three weeks. I need time to catch up and come to terms with it.


Son of the living King said...

and before you know it, stefan and i will be sitting on the coach cleaning the guns when boys start coming over....

Anonymous said...

They grow-up so fast. She is getting so big, it is hard to beive she's a big girl now!!! The thought of Andy sitting on the coach with a gun is very scarry.

Rory and Cindy said...

She's so big! I love her little toothless grin! I agree with Mom...Andy on the couch with guns=scary!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kaylin!!! Hope the tooth fairy treated you right! :)