Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Father's Day, Yes I know it was last week!

I realize this post is late coming but take it when you can get it is how it goes in this house. Besides there are great pics that make it worth the wait. On with the story. For Father's Day we decided to go and check out the new Hawaiian Falls in Mansfield, Dads got in for FREE! Here is my opinion of the place; it was great for kids, a few slides, but not an all day event for adults unless sitting on a tube in a pool is fun for you. Which it totally is for me. The girls loved it, there was a huge slide/sprinkler area for them and the wave pool was very shallow, like only 4 ft. in the deepest part but the rest was 2-3 ft. There are a few big slides that Stefan enjoyed and Kaylin even did a big slide on a double tube with us. Anyway, here are the pics you have been waiting for.

Daddy' girls

kaylin went down the Orange and red slide, she LOVED it!!

This is the great kid slide/sprinkler area.

Just loung'in

Big kid slides, it was all fun until she got turned around backwards.

I love the view of them playing together and loving each other!!!


Anonymous said...

That looks fun! I'll have to take my 2 out there sometime soon! Chloe's part fish these days!!