Monday, July 28, 2008

Open wide!

Today the girls had their first dentist visit ever. Now for Alyssa this isn't such a shock but for Kaylin, well, she is five and should have been years ago, oops bad mom award. But everything worked out, they have great teeth and not a cavity in sight. They got to take turns sitting on the stool watching the other, they learned how to brush their teeth, and got to ride in the chair. I was so worried that they would freak out and not cooperate, but they did great, not even a hint of difficulty. They opened and stayed still, I am so proud of my girls. They loved Mary and Dr. Meyer and I am so glad to hear they have great teeth, and they said not to worry so much about the thumb, but that is another story for another time.

Here we go, happy so far!!

Counting teeth, 10 uppers, 10 lowers.

Here we go #2!

Good old fashioned tooth cleaning, cherry, yum!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The mom factor

Have you ever looked at your husband and wondered why he gets liberties that you don't. Let me give you some examples, and I am not saying these all happen in my house but some do. For example, they can go run an errand without making sure you are going to be home and it isn't expected that they have to take the kids. They can get up from the table when they are done and not have to wait for everyone else. Or this one, everything that has to do with the kids (feeding, preparing food, taking to restroom, getting ready for bed, or getting them dressed) is expected mom duty.

I realize this sounds like a huge rant and really I do realize my role is the nurturer and it is my job to take care of the kids but every once in a while it gets annoying that I don't get the same liberties or freedoms my husband gets. Sometimes I would love to just say bye and be able to leave without having to first make sure:

#1. that he will even be home
#2. that you leaving works with is plans.
Come on, what about my plans!!!!!! I don't want to have to always get clearance and ask first, I just want to up and go.

I have to defend my husband before you start pegging him for the bad husband award. He does a lot for and with the girls. If he is home he gets them up and pottied, when we go somewhere as a family he always buckles Alyssa up, and he always lets me run my errands without complaining. He is a great Dad!!!!

I get frustrated by the double standard we put on ourselves as moms. Really it isn't our husbands that demand we ask their permission or check with them first or make things as easy as possible for them when we are gone, like by only leaving when the kids are napping. We put these things on ourselves, or at least I do. It is out of courtesy that we do this because God wired us that way. He made us to nurtures and take care of the house hold. I often have to remind myself of that when I get upset with Stefan for being and Man.

So ladies I say give your self permission to leave the kids with daddy when they are not napping, tell him you'll be back when ever you get done, and wait for him to change the diaper instead of jumping so fast. Most importantly, ask for what you need. I get so made at my husband for not reading my mind, but really did God make him a mind reader and not tell me? No, I don't think so!!

And just because I know you love the pictures here are some from 4th of July that prove what a great Dad my husband really is:

Doing sparklers for hours without one cool firework in sight for himself.

Taking them on a walk so I can get ready in peace.

Swimming with them in freezing cold water when there is NO WAY I am getting in.
Stefan, you are a great dad and we all LOVE YOU!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Stick with me please,

For those of you who have been visiting lately please don't get turned off by the blogger101 post. The reason for it was two fold; I wanted to see who all was reading my blog, curiosity you know, and I wanted to remind you how much us bloggers love getting your comments. So I hope none of you where too offended or turned off and if you are reading this you must not be because you came back, THANKS. It was nice to get so many comments and hear from so many of you. But since what you really live for are the picks I have some great ones of the girls with Stefan, enjoy!!!

By the way, if you haven't been by in a while be sure you scroll down to check previous posts, you don't want to miss anything with this crazy family, and changes are regualr and fast!!!

She is too cute with her funny face self!
She is just too gorgeous with her eyes.

The intensity in their eyes!!

The sweetness, so sweet.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Blogger 101

Why is it that unless a post has a million pictures on your blog no one takes the time to read it much less leave a comment? I'm just saying, if you don't leave a comment no one knows you read it.

A little blogger etiquette lesson here:
1. When a blogger writes their thoughts they do it because they want to share them with people and they want to know what you think, so LEAVE A COMMENT.
2. When a blogger posts pictures they want you to see what is going on in their life.
3. When a blogger puts a story before or with the pictures they want you to read it because they want to tell you what is going on.
4. Always, Always leave a comment, if the blog is set for anonymous comments and you don't have a blogger account, take advantage of that button, if they don't accept anonymous comments, disregard this,but I ACCEPT anonymous comments, so LEAVE ONE!!!!!!!

In summary, always leave a comment it takes a little time but it makes the person feel heard and seen, so do it already.

And yes, some of you regular bloggers are thinking "how dare she preach to us about commenting when she doesn't always comment." You are right, I have no right to preach this, but I am making an effort to be a better commenter, so as I work on it you too should work on it, or at least challenge yourself to be a good blogger by leaving people comments:)

Make someones day by letting them know you like their stuff or in the least that you stopped by their blog.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's not always as green as it seems

Have you ever looked at someones life and thought "they really have it all together"? Hold on, I am not saying I think I look like I have it all together, I am no where near that self absorbed or that sure of my self. What I am saying is things are not always as they seem. Sometimes the grass appears to be greener on the other side but if you really went in you might quickly discover it is no greener than yours. I don't know how my life appears to you guys on the outside. I imagine it looks like we are having fun and doing some fun things during the week. The grass isn't that green, ya we go out and do things but that is purely out of survival because I decided before summer started that if I didn't keep the girls busy we would all go crazy. here is a glimpse inside my so called greener grass. Stefan is either working or at school; if he is at home he is studying or sleeping because he is physically and mentally exhausted. He is stressed and tensions are high for both of us. The girls play well until they want what the other has, they get hungry or are bored. Oh man if they get bored watch out because there is no satisfying them until you do something. And then there is the dreaded question every morning and every afternoon "where are we going today/ tonight?" And, yes I am hanging out with other mom's and trying to make new friends, but for those of you who are not introverted enough to be happy home alone and not quite extroverted enough to just invite the whole world over, you know how hard making new friends really is, no one likes being the new guy. So I guess you could say in midst of our fun busyness I have been very lonely.
You see our grass isn't all that green but I wouldn't say it is dead either. I have been spending time with the two Tracy's (Traci/Tracy) and I have been having fun. I am thankful for both of them; for Tracy reaching out and including me in her group and for the opportunity to spend time with an old friend, Traci. Going to the pool every week is not so bad either and neither is being able to shop. I hope I haven't lost too many of you who are thinking "poor Tracy gets to be home with her kids and go swimming and go out and shop," but I just wanted to take some time and talk about what is really going on. In our private separate society it is easy to put up masks that look good, I just wanted to take mine down for a moment and let you see my real life, it is not always easy or fun but I know I have been blessed beyond what I deserve and even though it is hard I really wouldn't trade my life for anything. Even though someone else's life may look easier or better, I know better, we all have junk, some of us are just better at hiding it than others. By the way I am one of those who sometimes should hide just a little better, but then again maybe my openness is for someones benefit I don't even know about, who knows!
Next time you catch your self eyeing someone else's life and wondering if it is better than yours or if it seems so great, remember what your mom used to always say, "the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence." It is true.

Think about it this way, there could be no grass at all. However green or not green you grass is be thankful for what you have and who you have in your life, thay are there for a reason.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Computer

I love getting new things, technology, but sometimes the obsessiveness that comes with it is annoying for others. Yesterday we had to get a new computer after ours crashed the night before. This has happened before, I say twice, Stefan says once, but regardless this is not the first time. The computer is five years old and it is time for a upgrade.
Ironically we had been betting which would go out first now that we had money saved, the computer or the 30 year old dryer handed down from my grandmother five years ago; the computer won. Anyway, after much playing and surprisingly little frustration, I have this thing figured out. Hopefully soon we will get the pictures and all that loaded so stay tuned for Fourth of July and other great pics of the girls. That is the reason most of you visit my blog any way, and you know it is true.

Friday, July 4, 2008

A fish named Kaylin?

What? A fish named kaylin? You must mean Alyssa, Kaylin is deathly afraid of the water. Well that is what I thought too until SWIMMING LESSONS started this year. I thought here we go again her sitting on the side being terrified, but not so much. If you remember last year Kaylin didn't even get in the big pool until the last day and that was with a death grip. This year she has totally transformed into a fish. She has become totally brave in the water; she goes down the steps, under water, and floats not only on her back but on her stomach also.

The following video may be shocking to some of you who know kaylin but for me it makes me so proud of her and how brave she is becoming.

She is swimming! Granted she didn't go anywhere and the water was only 1ft., but she is SWIMMING!!! She was under water and she was kicking and doing her arms and I could not have been more proud. Something like this would have never happened last summer. She has really improved and is learning to swim. I am so proud of her for being brave and for trusting her teacher, and of my self for sticking with this and for doing one more year. Go Kaylin! Go Mommy!
Alyssa is doing really great to. Ironically she is a little timid in the water and some what apprehensive, totally didn't see that coming. But nontheless, she is trying and is being brave in her own way.