Monday, July 14, 2008

Blogger 101

Why is it that unless a post has a million pictures on your blog no one takes the time to read it much less leave a comment? I'm just saying, if you don't leave a comment no one knows you read it.

A little blogger etiquette lesson here:
1. When a blogger writes their thoughts they do it because they want to share them with people and they want to know what you think, so LEAVE A COMMENT.
2. When a blogger posts pictures they want you to see what is going on in their life.
3. When a blogger puts a story before or with the pictures they want you to read it because they want to tell you what is going on.
4. Always, Always leave a comment, if the blog is set for anonymous comments and you don't have a blogger account, take advantage of that button, if they don't accept anonymous comments, disregard this,but I ACCEPT anonymous comments, so LEAVE ONE!!!!!!!

In summary, always leave a comment it takes a little time but it makes the person feel heard and seen, so do it already.

And yes, some of you regular bloggers are thinking "how dare she preach to us about commenting when she doesn't always comment." You are right, I have no right to preach this, but I am making an effort to be a better commenter, so as I work on it you too should work on it, or at least challenge yourself to be a good blogger by leaving people comments:)

Make someones day by letting them know you like their stuff or in the least that you stopped by their blog.


Anonymous said...

wow...that was quite the verbal spanking.

I'm leaving a comment. please don't ground me.


Ruth said...

I stumbled across your blog. And after reading the first few lines of your post, couldn't move on without a comment! And, I feel the same way on my blog! :)

Susan said...

A comment has been left on your blog. :-O

Bre said...

I agree!

Tracy said...

AMEN sister!

Rory and Cindy said...

I LOVe comments too! I like the new layout by the way!

Lauren said...

I read your blog several times a week. I have one too! So you should read mine and comment on it as well. :)

Anonymous said...

Well done, It is good to get comments, even from people you don't know! Mom

Jo Brock said...

Hey, that comment from breanne was actually from me...i was on her cpu and didn't know I was not logged in!

Mrs. SeƱora Cobbey said...

Hi Traci,

I look the look of your page and all the new pics. Very classy.

Son of the living King said...

here you go. heres a sympathy comment...j/k. but i do like the lay out, looks pretty cool!

Anonymous said...

wow - with a little help i finally figured out how to leave a comment!
Great blog - I always love to read/see it!

annonymous favorite aunt

Rory and Cindy said...

Your link section "chech these out" should maybe consider changing it to "check"...just thought I would let you know!