Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The battle of the thumbs!!!

Kaylin is a devout and avid thumb sucker, in fact she is an ambidextrous thumb sucker, she sucks them both. We all decided together that now is time she give it up, so in comes the "anti-bite" polish, the reward chart, and then reality. I should have known that breaking this habit is going to take more than polish and a reward chart. And not because she doesn't want to quite but because her subconscious will is really strong, should have know, she is strong willed. What is a parent to do to help their child break such an ingrain habit, Thumb-Guard to the rescue. The guards are great and she keeps them on all day so she doesn't suck her thumb. In no time she'll have that new hot pink, turquoise bike with a bell, and a basket, and pom-poms. She has very particular and big dreams for her big girl prize.


Jo Brock said...

Very cool! Who would have known? Riley did not suck on anything, but Aydia is majorly attached to her paci...so not going to be fun to break her of (and the girls share a room, so it will be a while!)

Tracy said...

Good luck. Just be VERY persistent and do not give up!