Monday, August 25, 2008

Kindergarten or Bust!! Nursing School or Bust!!!

Could there be anything else?!!!

But wait, Alyssa starts Wednesday, ARGH! NO MORE CHANGES!!!!!

Can't take any more change or I am going to emotionally self implode, or at least that is how I am feeling right now. My senses are so overloaded that I can't even talk about the situations without crying and I mean sobbing. I never thought I would be this upset or sad about my kids starting school and me getting more breaks, I mean, hello, freedom, every stay at home mom's dream. I should have been bouncing off the walls, but instead I just wanted to run and get me girls and stay home with them forever, is it to late, can I stop the world and freeze time, PLEASE!!!. It is happening all to fast and I just need my babies.

So, needless to say, these emotional breakdowns have been very surprising. I think had it just been one thing at a time I probably could have handled it a lot better, but all at the same time; that is just too much for any mom to handle. I think for any mom it is a hard thing to handle your kids growing up and you not being directly involved in as much of their daily routine. I mean, I pretty much gave my baby to a total stranger who will see her more than I will and will be involved her her daily routines more than me, and this will happen every year and when I blink she is going to be graduating High School. It is all just not fair, that fastness with which they grow up.

But anyway, here is a conversation I had with Kaylin on my break after she got home from school today.

KAYLIN: "Mom I got to play with Chloe on the play ground today, Chloe's Mom came and had lunch with her, how come you didn't come?"

ME: fighting tears and wanting desperately to explain that Mommy would have loved to have been able to have lunch with her but couldn't because she had to be at school. but instead all I could get out was "well . . . "

KAYLIN: "You can come tomorrow? Right?"

ME: "Yes!!! baby, I will come tomorrow."

KAYLIN: "You promise, don't forget."

ME: "I promise," thinking I hope this doesn't bite me in that she doesn't let me leave and we both have a melt down.

Needless to say I will be having lunch with her tomorrow and I hope she handles me leaving well.

Walking to School, so far so good!

I feel the same way!

I made this for her last night so she would have something from me to celebrate her first day of school, I know cheezy mom, but you have no idea the guilt associated with not being there, or maybe some of you do, it is a powerful motivator.

Here we go, off to the big world of Kindergarten, her life will forever be changed!
I realize I am being so dramatic, but on some level, even though I know it is exagerateed, this is how I am feeling right now.


Rory and Cindy said...

Now I'm crying thinking about Makayla's first day...2 years from now!!! I love her outfit by the way! I'm so proud of you for taking the steps you have to take in order to do what you know you are supposed to be doing. There is no way I could take on all that stuff!

Anonymous said...

Say hi to Chloe for me today at lunch! I'll be at home potty-training Corban! :)