Monday, August 18, 2008

Gripes and Hope all at one time,

Have you ever really needed people in a big way for something that was really important and you thought you could count on them and then at the last minute they bail on you. This has happened to me today. I am scheduled to start nursing school Monday and I thought I had family lined up to help me with Alyssa, apparently I thought wrong. Both of them decided to commit to other things and pursue personal interests instead. Nursing school is something I have been dreaming about and planning for two years now and now that it is here it is falling apart and I am scared. It really hurts when you rely on people and they let you down.
The other day I was talking about it with my Dad and he reminded of why I should be doing this. In all the recent planning I lost track of why I wanted to be a nurse and made it about freedom and a great paycheck. The truth is I originally chose to pursue nursing to help and serve new moms. It is a desire I know God put in my heart and I need to be reminded why I am doing this and that if I am doing this to serve God he will take care of the details and get me where he wants me; he did get me in the program when no one else still taking sciences got in except me. Thanks Dad for reminding why I am doing this. I am glad I let my "know it all" attitude down and listened to you, you are right. I can only do so much and if I am doing this for God then I can and have to trust him for the rest.
If I am going to follow that train of thought, and I am, that means I have to trust God to put people in place to take care of Alyssa. I have to trust God for time to study. I have to trust God to provide income when Stefan has to stay home with her. And I have to trust God to work all the details out that I can't figure out.
Any way, here goes nothing. I know this will all work out but for the moment I am very scared and I am trying to take it one day at a time.


Anonymous said...

Dads always have great advise, expecially your's.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind I will be off and keeping kiddos at home beginning next week (9/25/08). I am offering drop-ins or part-time at the rate of $40/day, if you need me. Just let me know.


Jo Brock said...

If I lived close, I would watch her! I am thinking of becoming a nurse as well! Let me know how it is going along the way!