Bike Riding
First Day school
What it's really like
Posted by Super Mom at 4:47 PM 2 comments
Posted by Super Mom at 5:54 PM 1 comments
Posted by Super Mom at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Weird huh, I have a first grader! When my grandmother pointed that out the other week I wouldn't even hear it. My baby isn't that old yet and neither am I, at least that was my thought, but today it is official; Kaylin has graduated Kindergarten and is promoted to First grade. Her teacher put together a book with pictures from throughout the year and drawing they did, it made me a little sad because she is growing up so fast and i can't do any thing to stop it. Sometimes I just want to freeze time and enjoy this moment, but like many wise parents who have been there ahead of me have said, "it goes fast enjoy every day." The further along I get in this parenting thing the more I believe them. Kaylin was just born last week and now she is out of Kindergarten! How did that happen so fast and where was I?
The big moment! Getting her certificate!
Mrs. Meshack, the best Kindergarten teacher, definitely an answer to my prayers for Kaylin for a teacher!
Proud Parents!
Her "girls" Carol, Kaylin, Lacy, Faith, Hayden, Sarah
Posted by Super Mom at 4:53 PM 2 comments
Today when I went to pick Kaylin up from school her teacher immediately stopped me and said "we had quit a day!" Not a phrase I look forward to ever hearing but have heard before. It was her next words that shocked me, "double red." What does that mean, she went all the way on the discipline chart. This has not been a good week for Kaylin, two days on yellow and today, she was only in school for four days, so do the math. As a mom I am not sure what to think about all this. I know her behavior doesn't reflect me but rather her bad choices, but it is hard to not take it personal. I now she is a great kid and is loving and kind but today she had a bad day. We all have bad days and make bad choices, but tomorrow will be better than today. Today is another reminder of how God loves me, that even though I make bad choices he still accepts me and love me and believes that best in me. I know Kaylin is a good kid who is sweet and loving and I still believe she is great and capable of treating her Friends with love!
Posted by Super Mom at 4:37 PM 0 comments
So here we go. . .
Kaylin had a birthday! Turned six!She had a great day. She invited her friends to Creative Hands, a pottery place, and had a blast. After that we had family fun day at Alley cats, can you say expensive! But it was fun any way! A few weeks later we had a family party with a Hannah Montana pinata, it was great. I can't believe she is six, and almost through with Kindergarten, and losing teeth left and right, how did this happen and how can I stop it???? Any way i love watching her grow and learn and become more of who God made her to be, sweet, sensitve, caring, and genuine.
Alyssa got a great haircut, and it is soooooooo cute!
Her commit was, "I love my new hair cut." When I washed it she said "my hair cut is gone!" and when I dried it she said "my hair cut is back." The other day she said "I want my hair cut back," it is so cute hearing her response and seeing how she processes the change. i just love how cute she is, just absolutely cute!!!!!
Me and the girls went to Branson to see my sister and nieces,We had so much fun playing at Cindy's, going to the park for McDonald's Happy meals, going to Dixie Stampede, and the best part was going out with just the grown ups! Grown up time is such a necessity after a 8 hour drive and before another 8 hour drive can and should be attempted. Speaking of the 8 hour drive the drive home was definitely an adventure!!!
Kaylin lost her third tooth!!! At home and not at school!!!Every tooth she has lost has happened at school and Mrs. Meshack got the first view, but this one was mine. She showed it to me Friday and I was so hoping it would fall out during the break and it did!!! She has been wiggling it all week and today she pulled it, and by the way top teeth bleed, a lot, but now I got to go be tooth fairy before I forget!!! Some days I love being a mom!!!
Hope you guys are still there and if you are I post much, much, more frequently on facebook, so keep up with me there.
Posted by Super Mom at 9:57 PM 5 comments
i never realized how hard it is to be a mom and a student, more specifically a nursing student, because nursing school is hard and very consuming. It is so hard to be all things to all people with out not crashing occasionally. Last night was one of those nights for me, I crashed. I felt like the worst mom ever for not doing anything for Kaylin's birthday, I only spent like 10 min. with her because I had a test today I had to study for last night. I had to miss her Valentines program at school, and I have been fighting with Stefan since Sunday. I would like say it will get better now that the test is over but I feel like there is always some new pressure as soon as one goes away. I feel pressed in on every side and am so full of guilt it shouldn't be possible. I am glad I love a God who is full of grace and have kids that will remember this season through the eyes of grace. They won't remember what I didn't do like I do, which only tortures myself, they will remember what I did do. I am thankful that God gives kids the ability to remember the good things, I just wish as an adult we could let things go and remember things through the eyes of grace. Remember the good things people did or the fun times. I for one need to learn that lesson. I am grateful for a wise dad who shared that advice with me, can't claim it, I'm definitely not that smart yet!
I don't think I fully understood what I signed up for when I filled out the application and dreamed of going to nursing school. I think there is a reason for that because if we knew what we were getting into, half the things we do we never would have done. Some of the best things in life are also the hardest. This season is one of the harder ones for sure, but I would not change it. I have made some great friends at school and I am doing something I know God has planned for me and that I can use to demonstrate his love. With everything else all I can do is my best and have hope that God's grace covers things that aren't so good, fixes things that aren't right, finishes things that aren't done, and keeps me strong when I want to fall apart.
Posted by Super Mom at 8:02 PM 2 comments
I love snow days, or should I say ice days cause in Texas we never get snow any more!!!
I got two days off school and the girls got today off. We had a lot of fun, we danced and they did my hair, and watched movies. The day was great the only down side is all this time off is setting a bad nonstudy routine that I fear my bite me in a month when it is test time. I gotta get refocused and study. Oh well, start fresh next week when things are more normal, at least if we don't get any more ice.
I am really exhausted after being with the girls inside all day, not used to being with both of them all day any more, not ready for summer yet.
Posted by Super Mom at 9:58 PM 1 comments
Posted by Super Mom at 7:15 PM 3 comments
Posted by Super Mom at 8:18 AM 3 comments