Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's begining to look a lot like Christmas. . .
Posted by Super Mom at 7:10 PM 2 comments
My Ballerina's
Can you say deer caught in headlights! This was one of the best ones. She was not in the mood and if you know Alyssa she isn't doing anything she doesn't want to do.
Here she is "spin baby spin!" Spinning is her specialty. She was so excited, she had a huge grin the entire time and just hammed it up, she has amazing stage presence.
Posted by Super Mom at 6:53 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The holiday's are upon us!
Now that Thanksgiving is done, most of the shopping is done it is time for the tree and it is going up this weekend and yes it takes all weekend. If you have seen my tree you know it is a process and doesn't just pop up. It has to be put together, the branches have to be fluffed, the 10 light strands put on, and finally I get to decorate it and it is gorgeous. After we finish I will show you what I am talking about with all the steps, except the putting together step, Stefan and the girls did that last night and I fluffed this morning, but I'll show you the lights and the grand finale.
Posted by Super Mom at 11:48 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Why I hate night time thunderstorms!
I used to love falling asleep to the piter patter of the rain and the flashes of lightning, but not any more. That was all before kids, now night time storms are a nightmare. Let me let you in on how last night went, for those of you who don't have kids or your kids don't wake up, we had some big storms last night.
Stefan comes to bed around midnight saying I can't stay up any more and she won't go to sleep. Me I have no clue which one he is talking about, I assume it was Kaylin and go to sleep until not much later comes Alyssa's coughing and I realized he was talking about Alyssa not kaylin. The coughing and moving around continued until 3:00 when I took her to bed and promised there was no more thunder, never make that promise. Little did I know there would be more, very loud thunder about an hour later. Back asleep, an hour later, CRASH and MOMMY. Now every one is up because Alyssa is screaming, her pull up has leaked, thank God in her own bed and not mine!! What am I to do? Neither one of them was about to sleep in there own room at this point and there is no way all four of us can fit on our Queen bed? Get blankets and pillows, they can sleep on the floor. All is well at this point, even through the loud crash they are fine. The grand finale to the night was 5:45 Alyssa starts coughing again, I looking at the clock thinking we have to get up soon any way, I will just ignore it and wait it out. Great idea except it stopped and we all finally feel to a peaceful sleeping place, until, 7:40, GOTTA GET UP and the morning school rush was on. I gotta give myself props though, I had Kaylin dressed, lunch made, and breakfast in hand to walk out the door in 10 min, granted there was a lot of screaming on both our parts and she forgot to go potty before she left, oh well, no body's perfect.
Posted by Super Mom at 9:20 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Fall Fun!!!
I realized I haven't updated my pictures in a while when it had over 100 pictures on my camera to upload to the camera, oops. I have soccer, Cindy's visit, pumpkin carving with Grampa, and Halloween, so here you go, here is the last months in pictures, ENJOY!!!!
First Kaylin got to play goalie and did really well, she block 2 goals and did a great job throwing the ball back out.
Just try and get four girls ages 2, 3, 4, and 5 to sit and smile at the same time, this is pretty good!
Go for it Kaylin, she was the only one to dig in with the spoon but once it was hands only she too bailed out leaving the truly dirty work to Stefan and Grampa.
After pumpkins it was time for Halloween. We went to Shreek on the Creek at a Church near our house. They had bounce houses, games and a cool train ride around the parking lot. Judging by Alyssa's priceless grin I would say the train was her favorite part.
All in all life is good. Kaylin has now lost both her bottom two front teeth and she is reading,which thrills me to no end. Alyssa is cute as usual and growing by the minute, she seems to have by passed 3T straight to 4T, which is great except all the 3T clothes I bought for this winter won't fit by Christmas. Work is great for Stefan and school is crazy but rapping up for this semester. You can't even imagine how excited I am about two weeks off before the girls get out and one week off after they go back, tree weeks of FREEDOM, I soooooooo can't wait!!
Posted by Super Mom at 9:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
It's been a while
I have been told it has been a while and that i need to update my blog. I don't really have any pictures yet but a lot has been going on.
Every one is very settled into the school routine, who knew I just need some structure to my days to get over 5 years of depression. I am busier and happier than I have been in years. I feel more like my self than ever and am so happily busy. School is intense and all consuming, but I am learning so much. Kaylin is beginning to read, which makes me so proud and amazed. Alyssa is really growing up and acting so big since starting school. She doesn't always let on to how much she knows, but I know she is learning a lot. Stefan is a great Mr. Mom! He gets the girls picked up from school, dinner made, home work done, and on Mondays, he gets them to ballet. I am so grateful and blessed to have such a supportive and flexible husband.
My sister has been here for the last two weeks. It has been fun spending time with her. Last Friday My dad, Grampa, and Stefan had a pumpkin carve off. More pics and stories to come on that!
I realize this may be a more boring post with out pictures but pictures will come I was just to lazy to do it tonight, so stay tuned for pictures!
Posted by Super Mom at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Camping at Park Schloemp
I gotta say, for convince and amenities, Camp Schloemp is the best! Who can beat clean air conditioned bathrooms, electricity, and a great level spot right by the swing set. We promised the girls we would take them camping this weekend the only problem was you can't wait until the day before to book a site. So where is a family to camp where no reservation is required and there is always a site available, well, their own back yard, hence Camp Schloemp.
We cooked hot dogs on the grill, made a fire and roasted marshmallows and made S'mores the real way, no microwave used this time! The girls got to stay up late and sleep together in the tent. For breakfast we had S'mores cereal. There is nothing wrong with S'mores for desert and then again for breakfast, it was awesome. it was a great experience and every one had a blast, the girls and I even got to watch the sun come up.
Cooking S'Mores
Eating S'Mores
Just being cute! As usual!
Posted by Super Mom at 3:29 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
GO Lady Bugs
Kaylin's team is the lady Bugs and they are so cute, running in little herds kicking and chasing the ball. Whenever any one of them gets it they keep kicking it in what ever direction they are going, even when it is toward their own goalie. Kaylin even made a goal following this philosophy. I guess turning the ball around is a developed skill. Any way here are some pick proving my point of cuteness!!!
Go Kaylin! She scored off this one, unfortunately it was our goal, so didn't count, but great effort and dribbling skills nonetheless!!
The proud family!
Posted by Super Mom at 5:57 PM 3 comments
Labels: Soccer
Friday, September 12, 2008
I can't believe I am a soccer Mom!
Kaylin had her first soccer practice tonight!! She had so much fun and was really pretty good. Two girls on her team go to her school, one is in her class and the other in another class. She wasn't shy or anything she just ran right up and listened and did what she was supposed to do, I could not have been more proud. So, despite my initial pessimism that this may not be her thing, Kaylin just may prove me wrong and really like this and be good. I am glad I didn't listen to that pessimism and gave her the chance to yet again surprise me!! Any way her coach is Mrs Lourie, who is really nice and they are the Lady Buugs, how cute is that!
Can you say "GOAL!"
Posted by Super Mom at 7:32 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Tooth Fairy does Exist!
The Tooth Fairy paid her first visit to our house tonight, if you haven't heard, Kaylin lost her first tooth today at school. Stefan went to have lunch with her and text me a picture of this mouth with out a tooth (some of you lucky ones got that text). She couldn't wait to show me tonight. When I asked her for the details she said "I was nervous and Sarah, Her new best friend, told the teacher." She is so cute, got nervous, I guess people were looking and all in her space. Any way the conversation quickly turned to the Tooth Fairy and she asked, "is the Tooth Fairy going to come? I know it is you mommy!" Off course she came bearing cash rewards to be spent this weekend at our favorite Dollar Tree.
Posted by Super Mom at 9:52 PM 4 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Panic for no Reason
Posted by Super Mom at 8:05 AM 4 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
More First Day of School Stories.
Last, but certainly not least, it is Alyssa's turn to start school. Yesterday was Alyssa's first day of school, she could not have been more excited, me, well I handled it better than kaylin's first day, no tears!! In my defense, I had a lot more going on Monday that made me emotional, and it is kindergarten after all, you are supposed to cry.
All the Super Stars.
"The sun's in my eyes!" As I force her to pose for yet another picture, "just one more, I promise," is what I always say.
Posted by Super Mom at 9:37 AM 3 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
Kindergarten or Bust!! Nursing School or Bust!!!
Could there be anything else?!!!
But wait, Alyssa starts Wednesday, ARGH! NO MORE CHANGES!!!!!
Can't take any more change or I am going to emotionally self implode, or at least that is how I am feeling right now. My senses are so overloaded that I can't even talk about the situations without crying and I mean sobbing. I never thought I would be this upset or sad about my kids starting school and me getting more breaks, I mean, hello, freedom, every stay at home mom's dream. I should have been bouncing off the walls, but instead I just wanted to run and get me girls and stay home with them forever, is it to late, can I stop the world and freeze time, PLEASE!!!. It is happening all to fast and I just need my babies.
So, needless to say, these emotional breakdowns have been very surprising. I think had it just been one thing at a time I probably could have handled it a lot better, but all at the same time; that is just too much for any mom to handle. I think for any mom it is a hard thing to handle your kids growing up and you not being directly involved in as much of their daily routine. I mean, I pretty much gave my baby to a total stranger who will see her more than I will and will be involved her her daily routines more than me, and this will happen every year and when I blink she is going to be graduating High School. It is all just not fair, that fastness with which they grow up.
But anyway, here is a conversation I had with Kaylin on my break after she got home from school today.
KAYLIN: "Mom I got to play with Chloe on the play ground today, Chloe's Mom came and had lunch with her, how come you didn't come?"
ME: fighting tears and wanting desperately to explain that Mommy would have loved to have been able to have lunch with her but couldn't because she had to be at school. but instead all I could get out was "well . . . "
KAYLIN: "You can come tomorrow? Right?"
ME: "Yes!!! baby, I will come tomorrow."
KAYLIN: "You promise, don't forget."
ME: "I promise," thinking I hope this doesn't bite me in that she doesn't let me leave and we both have a melt down.
Needless to say I will be having lunch with her tomorrow and I hope she handles me leaving well.
Posted by Super Mom at 9:59 PM 2 comments